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Episode 194: The Legend of Doc Benton

In this episode, we talk about the legend of Doc Benton, a story that has been passed down for generations about a doctor who was trying to, or actually did(depending on the version of the story you hear), discover immortality!  The story has several different variations, and we’ll share several of them and also talk about whether or not Doc Benton ever really existed or was just the figment of several people’s imaginations created to explain mysterious happenings of the time.  It’s a sad, disturbing, terrifying, sensational, and fun story, so get ready for “The Legend” of Doc Benton this week on The Homewrecker Podcast.


Tim Weed Essay: https://timweed.net/essays-articles/history/on-the-trail-of-legends/

New England Folklore: https://newenglandfolklore.blogspot.com/2012/07/dartmouths-demon-doctor.html

Dartmouth Student: https://journeys.dartmouth.edu/folklorearchive/2016/05/27/doc-benton-legend-2/

Rauner Library: https://raunerlibrary.blogspot.com/2010/09/legend-of-doc-benton.html

Morbid Library: https://themorbidlibrary.com/2021/09/25/legend-has-it-doc-benton/

The Ghostly Tales of New England by Carie Juettner: https://www.amazon.com/Ghostly-Tales-England-Spooky-America/dp/1467198064/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3T6LSBDXPJD61&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.c5WAvbl93Ck3PuOG5bBq7oZ0J6QO36LmW-hjLXEybG2QPdBplubS_oyPbLz3xctS_uKc2yKhy99KW80pwVhgtXX1HmRy3Pgwm-oebDKaAup8PliBIw1qcQkM_XUo4iJG25bnRCzcaiivRarzm-780bGfUidOYO0Q67LO8H55mMmbyuq8eco32NstHS-8qXbNkBoXYTf3nmlC2KMyC-tUa187fxfqWIJULZBaCE_ZEkA.kWiwUyYqdw4PGD7wGQc_bNuO_HC0roAXeJEquV3alfc&dib_tag=se&keywords=ghostly+tales+of+new+england&qid=1731170030&sprefix=ghostly+tales+of+new+e%2Caps%2C140&sr=8-1

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